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Enterprise Portal Information Website Based on Springboot Technology


In today's digital age, enterprise portal information websites have become an important channel for enterprises to showcase their image, transmit information, and attract customers. With the continuous development of technology, traditional website development methods can no longer meet the needs of modern enterprises. Therefore, enterprise portal information websites based on Spring Boot technology have emerged, aiming to provide enterprises with an efficient, flexible, and scalable website solution.

Spring Boot, as a lightweight framework in the Java field, has been favored by developers for its fast build, easy deployment, and simplified configuration. It integrates a large number of commonly used third-party libraries and tools, greatly simplifying the development process and improving development efficiency. At the same time, Spring Boot also emphasizes maintainability and scalability, making the website more convenient for later maintenance and functional expansion.

The enterprise portal information website based on Spring Boot technology not only has powerful backend management functions, which can easily publish, manage, and maintain information content, but also focuses on user experience and interface design, providing an intuitive and friendly user interface, making it easy for users to browse and obtain the required information. In addition, the website also has high customizability and scalability, which can be customized and developed according to the specific needs of the enterprise, achieving personalized function customization and expansion.

In summary, an enterprise portal information website based on Spring Boot technology is an efficient, flexible, and scalable website solution that can help enterprises quickly build portal websites that meet their own needs, enhance their corporate image, transmit information, attract customers, and provide strong support for the digital transformation and development of enterprises.

Key words:Enterprise portal information; Java programming language; Spring Boot framework

目  录

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与意义

1.2 国内外研究现状

1.3 论文组成结构

第2章 系统分析

2.1 可行性分析

2.1.1 技术可行性

2.1.2 经济可行性

2.1.3 操作可行性

2.2 需求分析

2.3 系统数据流程分析

第3章 系统设计

3.1 系统架构设计

3.2 系统功能结构

3.3 数据库设计

3.3.1 数据库E-R图设计

3.3.2 逻辑结构设计

第4章 系统实现

4.1 普通用户模块的实现

4.1.1 前台首页界面

4.1.2 用户注册界面

4.1.3 用户登录界面


4.1.5 企业信息界面

4.2 管理员功能模块的实现

4.2.1 管理员登录界面

4.2.2 管理员功能界面

4.2.3 系统用户管理界面

4.2.4 轮播图管理界面

4.2.5 网站公告管理界面

4.3 企业用户模块的实现

4.3.1 企业类型管理界面

4.3.2 企业资讯界面

第5章 系统测试

5.1 测试目的

5.2 测试用例

5.2.1 登录测试 

5.2.2 注册测试 

5.2.3 企业招聘测试

5.2.4 资源管理测试 

5.3 测试结果

第6章 总结与展望



